Backlit Panorama – Top Five Constraints

My top five constraints in no particular order:

  1. Cost – I want to keep the project under $100 if I can due to my own budgetary constraints. This will also force me to be innovative in the way I implement some things if my cost starts to get too high.
  2. Light Diffusion – If the light doesn’t diffuse the way I want it to, the entire effect of the piece will be lost. The light needs to diffuse outward and can’t be the bright point light that comes from the RGB LEDs.
  3. Limited Room for Failure – The parts that I do have to buy are not cheap or quick to come by. Things like the RGB LED panel I purchased are fairly expensive and the wood that I want to use may take time to arrive if I order it online. Because of these reasons, I have to make sure that I prototype early and am very careful when working with the final parts.
  4. Schedule – The last month of this semester will involve finishing three different school projects, and if I’m not careful about working efficiently and effectively, I could end up being very behind and not being able to end up with the quality product I want at the end of this course.
  5. The project must mount to the wall and be unobtrusive and well-integrated. This means no stray wires or exposed technology that could detract from the aesthetic.

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Joseph Yoshimura
    March 13, 2016 10:58 pm

    At first your final product was a little confusing to me. Now that I have a better understand of what it is going to look like, I cannot wait to see what you come up with. I know that it will be difficult and you have listed 5 very important aspects that you can focus on. What do you think is the most necessary constraint? I know that you have already started working on the diffusion of the light. Have you furthered your progress further on any of the other constraints?

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