21 Timeline Engagement

Today we played the Aesthetics Game, but instead of the random aesthetics we used the major design movements of the 20th Century, as defined by Fiell and Fiell. Check the posts category Student Work > 2016 > Aesthetics Game > 20th Century design movements. We will continue presentations of the results on Wednesday.

In other admin news:

  • Blog for Wednesday: What 20th Century design movements have influenced the aesthetics you have chosen for your project? Plus an update
  • Please add a Featured Image to all your posts. Would be good if you went back and added them to old ones too.
  • New Page: Posts By Student. Lets you see all the posts from a particular author, so you can follow the progress of the design better. Can sort the table other ways too.
  • Welcome our new TA, Thomas H Briedis, a Master’s student in design from Norway. thomashbriedis@gmail.com
  • Web resources library: AeDes group library on Zotero: https://www.zotero.org/groups/aedes
    • Make a free Zotero login, and then you can request to join the group.

And full lecture notes: 21 Timeline Engagement


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