At this point in my project, I have acquired the blades and materials for a potential mount.  I am going to head to McGuckins later today to pick up material for the wind vane and arbor.  I am also browsing online to find a suitable motor that I can purchase by the end of this week.  I hope to start assembling the unit within the next 10 days, so I can begin to troubleshoot the various problems I may run into.  Also, if anybody has experience with the electronic portion of wind turbines (connecting it to batteries, etc.) please let me know because I lack experience in this area.

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  • Roshan Misra
    April 3, 2016 10:29 pm

    Good luck with spec’ing out a motor. There’s probably a pretty large variety that you can choose from. As far as the electronic portion, I don’t really know too much about what goes into it, but could potentially help talk through some of the stuff regarding power and electrical side things.

    I’m curious to know more about what the aesthetic you’re aiming for is. Now that you’ve had some more time to think through the overall project, I’d love to know more. Are you going for the rustic, farm windmill or more of the sleek modern wind turbine? Or something else entirely?

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