Mechanical Clock – Project Progress & Aesthetic Changes

I’ve made some progress this past with the design of my project – the clock gearing design is finalized and the general aesthetic is taking shape. The next step is to order the hardware that I selected for the design and begin manufacturing the back plate which will  be made out of laser cut plywood. The other remaining step before the design is finalized is to include and hour-train which gears down the movement of the minute hand by a factor of 60. By next Monday, I’ll have the design complete and fully ready for manufacture. The gears will be 3D printed out of white PLA plastic which will expedite the manufacturing process.  Any feedback on the layout and aesthetic would be helpful – Thanks!

Edit: I would also like to add some insight into how my design has changed aesthetically since I started working on it. Initially, I wanted to apply a simple modernist design with no ornamentation. I’ve tried to stick to that approach, but I’ve incorporate a few streamlined elements into the design to make it visually more interesting and give the impression of movement (beyond the clock mechanism). Although the stylistic streamlining isn’t as abrupt as a 60’s Chevy Bel Air, there are elements of the design that could be eliminated without interfering with it’s function.



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  • Anfal Abdulrahman
    April 3, 2016 10:03 pm

    glad to see your progress, it seems promising. Is there’s a certain aesthetic you’re among for? Also, if time permits is there’s something you would change?
    looking forward to your last product!

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