20th Century Design Movement | Update

I am long overdue for a quick update on my project. I have made some good progress and I am very excited to continue working.

My project has taken a different direction since I presented my design review. I am keeping with the idea of making some sort of  light fixture with LEDs and an arduino. Instead of making a wall hanging with fabric, I have decided to make a storm cloud. This cloud will be made out of polyester pillow stuffing. I will form the stuffing to look like a large storm cloud. LEDs will be woven inside and programmed so they flash like a lightning storm. I plan to make it about the size of a full mattress. It will be able to be hung on the ceiling of a room. The idea is that you can lay under it and watch a lightning storm. I want to accurately replicate in cloud lightning storms. The video below shows an in cloud lightning storm.  I have all the materials for the project. Furthermore, I have started some coding and assembly, but will go into more detail with that in my next post.

I am not getting inspiration from the major design movement of the 20th century. However, my project could be related to organic design. I am drawing my inspiration and ideas from nature. I am seeking to create something that represents a beautiful part of nature accurately. This project is much more about its form than function.



2 Comments. Leave new

  • Joseph Graff
    May 4, 2016 10:44 pm

    As I’ve said in previous comments, I’m really excited to see where your design on this project goes based on the projects that you’ve done in the past (and that I’ve enjoyed so much). I think organic design is the perfect inspiration for this project, being that you are using more or less “organic” materials to build it (excluding all electronics), and by the fact that you are trying to simulate a very organic, natural occurrence with a thunder cloud.

    Nice work so far! Keep it up, can’t wait to see your project at expo!

  • Joseph Yoshimura
    April 4, 2016 1:22 am

    I liked the project that you had originally started with and how you wanted to improve on something that you had worked on in the past. However, after reading your post, this new direction that you are heading actually sounds way cooler. I really like the idea of being able to experience a virtual thunderstorm in your room. It somewhat reminds me of a dramatic movie when someone is feeling emotional. This could actually demonstrate how they feel on the inside. That’s probably not what you were going for, but that’s what it reminded me of.

    I do have a couple of questions. Do you plan on hanging it from your own ceiling? Are there any weight concerns? I know that you are making it out of a relatively low density material, but the size as a whole might be concerning if it only connects at one point. Those are the only things that I was worried about. You’ve probably already thought about it and solved those problems though. 🙂

    It sounds like you have a really good vision of what it looks like, so I’m sure it will turn out pretty fantastic!

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