Bladeless Fan update 4/13

I don’t have much to update, other than I have began printing and it will take approximately 30 hours to finish. Once it is complete I can put my parts in to a bath to remove all filler material (which may take a day or two). Afterwards I can finalize the parts with some post printing processes then assemble. I have tested the circuitry, and all that works. Unfortunately the printer I used (UPrint) can only print one color at a time, and I couldn’t choose it, so I may decide to paint my parts afterwards depending on how it looks when its assembled.

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  • […] Bladeless Fan update 4/13 […]

  • Wow! Looks great! Can’t believe it will take so long to print. Are you concerned at all that the filler material can get stuck on the inside channels? If anything were to break, do you have a plan to counter it? Would you consider painting the final designs once they finish printing? Looks great. Really good progress.

  • If the 3D printer does not print it well enough, will you have a back up plan ready? My project was royally screwed by 3D printing so that is why I ask. Also if you are crunched for time, you can try to use spray-paint(not sure if it works on you material though), it would be quick and easy. Paint is nice, but takes long and you may not have the time with whatever other class you have.

  • Great progress Brandon! I think you have some good time after the print is done, keep pushing though we are very close. What resolution did you use on the prints? I think the smaller the layers the better for the air flow through the channels. Spray paint might be the best to work with these since it will have a nice finish out of the print. How many of these bladeless fans are you planning on making? Otherwise the project is looking good. Good luck

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