Infinity mirror final project report: part 2


Why this project?

I didn’t have a lot of experience with electronics in the past. So I think it might be a good chance for me to play with some electronics in this class. So, making an infinity mirror becomes a great choice for me.

Public reaction

A lot of people are attracted by this project during the expo in Atlas this Wednesday. They were shocked by the tunnel effect created by my infinity mirror. Someone saw some kind of the infinity mirror in the coffee shop in steamboat. Also, one interesting suggestion is that I should keep working this project to interact with Tesla control system, giving it a fancy look. Some people said they would like to have one during the party.


Although  I am pretty proud of how my project turns out to be, there is still some room for improvements. I will update the code and let the color of LEDs change with the frequency of the music. Also, I would do some cleaning inside this infinity mirror to give it a better optical effect.

Something I learned from this project

First, always overestimate the budget. For this project, the budget was much higher than I expected, since I broke some of the electronics parts during wiring and I need to buy some extra. Also, time management is also very important in finishing a project. I am very glad that I spent a lot of time during spring break to manufacture the frame of my infinity mirror so that I didn’t have to finish my project in a hurry.

What’s next?

I would like to hang this infinity mirror onto my wall. I think it would be a great decoration of my apartments especially during the night. I think my girlfriend will like it!038AtlasExpo2016.


4 Comments. Leave new

  • […] Final report 2: It is done! 04/28/2016 […]

  • It’s nice to know that you have learned lots of electrical engineering skills during this project. The final product turns out very good! I saw lots of people interested in it about it during the ATLAS EXPO! Good job! Since the control unit has got lots of potential I think you can definitely improve it in the future to make it even cooler!

  • What I liked most of this project is the all-black aesthetic. It works really well with the infinity mirror, plus, I like that you implemented design features from that Chinese war-device you spoke about. It’s unfortunate you had to spend so much money on outsourcing the manufacturing. As far as improvements to make, I can’t really think of any. When you hang on this wall, there may be a long, distracting cable so maybe you could figure a way to conceal it or make it wireless.

  • Ashley Zimmerer
    April 28, 2016 10:08 pm

    I like the way it turned out! I’m glad you went with a black frame, it looks so sleek and modern. I also like how the lights cycle and aren’t just a solid color. It would be really cool if you get it to change color in time to music. Will that require additional electronics?

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