Upcycle Update: Paper Mache Furniture

For my upcycle project, I will be making a paper mache stool. This stool will serve as footrest for me to use when I am relaxing while also providing a unique aesthetic. The actual structure will be made of remnant wood material found in my backyard or at a local wood cutting shop (Home Depot, McGuckins). The stool will then be covered with newspapers that will make it look like it is a paper mache stool but with the additional structural support from the wood.

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2 Comments. Leave new

  • This is a solid idea, I think it is interesting that the stool will actually be a lot more sturdy than it appears. People will initially think it is just an art piece, but the wood support underneath means that it will actually be functional. The paper-mache newspaper could also give it an old time feel and it will definitely look unique.

  • I thought about doing a piece of paper-mache furniture, but had difficulty coming up with a way for it to support weight. I think your idea is a good way to go about that issue. Not too much weight and a good infrastructure to build on. Are you planning on painting it with a certain aesthetic in mind? Also, are you planning on coating the top of the stool to protect the newspaper? If you are taking your feet on and off it, the paper might wear off over time. It might be something to consider.

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