TA Contact & Post Guidelines

Hello Everyone!

As most of you are probably aware, my name is Michael and I am working as Professor Hertzberg’s teaching assistant for this class. I am making an effort to attend at least one session every week, time permitting, however I am always available through my E-mail if anyone needs help. The address on the syllabus is incorrect (there is another individual with a very similar name, who knew?!) and therefore I will leave the correct address to reach me by below.


With introductions out of the way, I thought I would provide a general guideline when making a post to ensure everyone can appropriately view and comment on your work. Firstly, a title will go along way in attracting attention. With around 52 students, a bit of consistency also helps. I noticed many of you doing this already, and therefore I figure it would be a great format to keep and follow going forward. The idea for each post’s title would be along the lines of —

“Assignment Name: Your Project Title”

In this way, everyone knows what part of the project your post relates to and what you are working on specifically, as well as making it aesthetically nice to browse through. Some posts later in the semester may not fit this format, and I will try to let everyone know ahead of time which they are.

While the title is helpful, an image is often extremely important when describing what you are working on. When making a post, scroll down along the right side until you see the “featured image” menu. The image you select here will be shown along side your title on the website itself. Typically, an image of your grand design, idea, or progress is best used as a featured image. Please make sure you are uploading any and all images used in your post to the website. Do not simply copy and paste images.

After the title and featured image, selecting the correct categories is important in making sure your post ends up in the correct place. Unless you are making a post with interesting ideas, articles, or links, every post will be using the categories Student Work, 2017, “Assignment”. Typically this means you are only selecting three items, and only in the 2017 section. Scrolling too far will put your post in the 2016 category and it may not be seen on the main page.

With that said, by following these three simple guidelines, it will help keep the website organized so that everyone’s blog post is where it should be. If you ever need any assistance related to managing a post, feel free to ask. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope everyone has an enjoyable semester. Cheers!

A TL;DR for quick reference —

Your title should have the format “Assignment Name: Your Project Title”

Choose an appropriate featured image and upload to the website.

Categories — Student Work, 2017, “Assignment”

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