Design Loop Reality: Casting Brass

For my upcycle project, I will be melting down brass shell casings and casting a new shape using the lost foam method. I began the iterative design loop with this idea in mind but there so many different possibilities for where I could take the project. Sketching a few shapes I thought would be cool to cast really helped me to think about what shape I wanted to try. I really wanted to cast brass knuckles but after some research discovered they are illegal to own in Colorado so that probably wouldn’t be a good school project. After a little more thought I narrowed it down to a logo made up of a letter or two. Casting a giant brass “R” to resemble my first name would be interesting but I finally concluded to create the CU logo. I am excited to cast this and polish the brass so it has a real shiny gold appearance resembling our school colors.

2 Comments. Leave new

  • I really like this idea. Very original and shows a lot of school spirit! I have already seen your outcome, so I know it turned out great. You can probably add in how you decided to cast brass and other brainstorming details.

  • Gautham Govindarajan
    February 13, 2017 9:31 pm

    Hey Ryan, it is a good thing that you did your research about the brass knuckles. As cool as it might have been to make a brass knuckle, it’s really not worth getting into trouble for a school project when you can make completely harmless like the design you have decided on. Can’t wait to see how your casting turns out. Looking forward.

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