Upcycle Final Report: Cardboard of Hazzard

Upcycle Final Report: Cardboard of Hazzard

For my upcycle project I’ve decided to use cardboard (and lots of paper and glue) to recreate this scene from 2005 film “The Dukes of Hazzard”. The 1969 Dodge Charger is my favorite classic muscle car and “The Dukes of Hazzard” is one of the first movies I’ve seen. The car’s “boxy” design makes recreating it with cardboard easier, also I have plenty of cardboard. I decided the final product is not going be colored so the focus is to get the shapes right.

The idea is to make a “bone” structure like the airplane wing first with these 3-view pictures, to make sure the shape is as accurate as possible, one problem I have working with cardboard is that the cardboard can’t be cut with laser cutter, so I have to cut everything with scissors and knifes, thankfully I have a printer so I can just paste those 3-view pictures on every cardboard I’m cutting

Progress as Feb 10


Again, cutting these with basic tools is quite time consuming and not quite accurate,  pretty soon after finishing the “bones” I realized keeping the shape of the left part of the car looks like the right part is going to be a big challenge…

So that I did next is a lot of trimming and by cutting and adding more cardboard layers. this part is finished on Feb 12.

The next 2 days were spent putting on a skin with paper, there are 2 shoulder curves on the car so the connecting part is a bit rough, that’s also when I decided to not recreate the U shapes on the doors and the hood because it wouldn’t work well with the paper wrap

Screenshot from Forza Horizon 3












And that’s the wrap done on Feb 14, next up is some small details on the car, the tires, and the smashed barn door, I think by Friday I will be able to finish this project and maybe think about what to add next.

Insert Las Vegas reference here


I made the wheel from 20 layers of cardboard, cutting them took 2 hours…


And that’s the final product on Feb 16, made the “scene” with cardboard and glue, I used the stapler to hold the car in place.



8 Comments. Leave new

  • It’s really cool the way this came out. I’m impressed by the extra effort you put into recreating a scene from the movie, making the stationary object appear to be in motion. I could imagine it took a lot of effort to cut out the cardboard in the correct shape. How did you get the car to hold that position?

    • There’s a small extra bit of cardboard sticking out of the rear bumper of the car, I used the paper stapler to hold it onto the big cardboard wall behind it

  • This is rad! The attention to detail on the car is really cool. I would have liked to see some color on the car- if it were painted orange I think it could really make the car pop. Nonetheless, the precision and cleanliness to your cuts of the car is incredible and helps realize one of the cooler projects I have seen yet.

  • Alexander Thompson
    February 15, 2017 12:43 pm

    This is a truly impressive model! This obviously took a lot of time and skill to get the very fine detail using cardboard and paper. But I really like that you made the whole thing out of paper and cardboard, and that you’re planning on making the whole scene out of it. My suggestions would be to throw an axle between the wheels to possible make your Charger dynamic. Overall, the fact that we could all tell your model was a Dodge Charger before you started presenting proves it worked out great! Overall, fantastic job! I can’t wait to see the completed project.

  • Preston Marcoux
    February 15, 2017 12:40 pm

    Honestly, I can’t even imagine how long it would take to make the car out of this material. I’m very impressed you were able to make this out of cardboard and that it strongly resembled the car from Dukes of Hazzard. Great work!

  • This is a cool concept, coming from a great movie! I like how the structure was made of cardboard and the details look really close to the actual car. Are you planning on painting it and writing the numbers on the car? Great job.

  • Maxfield Scrimgeour
    February 15, 2017 12:26 pm

    Im really impressed with the amount of detail that you were able to obtain with the cardboard. The car is immediately recognizable which is impressive. It would be nice to see some color on the car to really emphasize the dukes of hazard aspect. To me the orange is something that really makes the dukes of hazard car individual.

  • Wow, very creative and good looking artifact. Really well executed, especially considering the precision that must have been required for the cutting/gluing. For being made from paper and cardboard, its very clean looking.

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