Top 5 Constraints

Top 5 Design Constraints

1. Constraint: Aesthetics of the jump.  The aesthetics of how the jump will look, how to construct it so it is high quality, and working thru the process of exactly what aesthetic to use and determining how to make it look good.

2. Constraint: Materials.  Finding affordable materials which match the aesthetic is challenging.

3. Constraint: Aesthetic of the remote.  My group member has a fantastic idea to embed the remote in a crop.  The aesthetics and engineering of this idea is somewhat difficult because crops aren’t hollow- so this will have to be designed and made.

4. Constraint: Engineering the power supply and jump construction.  Constructing a jump standard which is weather resistant, easy to build, and looks good to house the actuators which will move the jump up and down.  Engineering how to provide power to two separate actuators that are 12 feet a part (and make sure they are synchronized).

5. Constraint: Money and time.  My original aesthetic to use lights and clear, modern materials may take too much time and money (and be difficult to construct easily depending on the material properties and equipment).  The aesthetic may need to be modified, or re-imagined depending on the materials, money and time available.

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Oksana Schuppan
    March 9, 2017 11:55 am

    I love that you are not only considering the aesthetic of the jump but also the remote. This would have been easy to overlook, but you did a great job remembering to consider it. Also great consideration of weather and durability of your design. It would also be beneficial to consider how your horses will react to the design, ensuring that the horse is not spooked. Awesome work!

  • Benjamin Fried
    March 7, 2017 3:03 pm

    This is very well thought out. What type of aesthetic are you aiming for?
    This will be a cool project, and I definitly want to see a video of Seabiscuit jumping these gates. Have you thought about the safety of the horse? It seems like that should also be a functional requirement/constraint in your design. You probably don’t want the pony to fall on anything sharp or dangerous. Also, there is the risk of the animal crushing the design.

    To prototype this, you should create cardboard or wood artifacts, place them in the horse ring, and see how they look from afar.

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