Student Work

Top 5 Constraints: Tori Herfert

Top 5 Constraints

For my project, most of my constraints will be based on if it is functional and aesthetically pleasing.

My first constraint is based on aesthetics.  The aesthetic I am going for is a very classy deutscher werkbund look.  I like this look because I like classy look of the buildings and art that is created this way. The way I am thinking about doing this is by using lots of different coats of wood stain. I also want to incorporate a modern and classy log cabin look to tie into this deutscher werkbund aesthetic. My concern is that the wood stain I purchased will not be dark enough, and I will have to start over.  There is also a chance that the colors will look uneven and made by a fifth grade art class.  I have been researching ways to stain wood to be in perfect condition.

My Idea of a Good Looking Log Cabin


My next constraint is based on my projects main purpose.  The purpose of it is to house different items that often get passed around at dinner time, so I need to make sure that it has room and can store all of these things.  My house tends to use lots of different sauces and spices, so I am going to make it a good size to house all of these.

My houses favorite hot sauce


My third constraint will be to make my lazy susan spin well.  I have not quite figured out how I am going to make it spin smoothly.  I have been doing research on different things I can use to make it spin and one idea I have is to use a pre-made spice rack.  They sell spice racks on different websites such as amazon.

Fourth, my constraint is money.  A lot of the things I want to buy, such as nice wood stain, are pricey.  The stains I was looking at are very nice and good quality but they cost a solid amount of money. I was also looking at nice pieces of round wood to use, but they also cost a lot of money.  I am going to have to pick and choose what I end up spending the bulk of my budget on, because if I get everything I want it will be quite pricey.

My last constraint is the aesthetic of flowers. I love flowers, as you know if you watched my upcycle presentation.  I am going to try and incorporate flowers into my lazy susan, but I have not quite figured out how.  One idea from a review comment I received last week was to use two pieces of glass as my lazy susan top, and smash flowers in between.  This would be awesome, but again, with my budget I will have to see if I can do that. If I decide to do that, I will not have to buy wood or wood stain and might end up saving money.  I also was thinking about painting flowers onto the wood, however I am not the best artist.  This could take me lots more time.


“Standout Log Cabin Designs…Captivating Ambiance & Period Charm!” Standout Log Cabin Designs…Captivating Ambiance & Period Charm! N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Mar. 2017.

“Cholula Hot Sauce.” N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Mar. 2017.

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3 Comments. Leave new

  • Benjamin Fried
    March 7, 2017 2:56 pm

    These seem like very well detailed and thought out constraints. I would recommend checking out the Makerspace in the Idea Forge. They may have some stains that you can try out to see how they look. Many stains look different depending on the type of wood, and how thick you paint it on, so it may be different than you had expected. If you can anticipate these issues and are okay with it, then it may fit into your rustic looking theme.

    I would definitely try playing around with wood/stain/sanding to see how it will look.

  • Alexandra Rivas
    March 7, 2017 10:59 am

    I’m glad you’re considering my smashing flowers idea! It would definitely be a totally different aesthetic than the log cabin. However, you could aways swap out the pressed flowers to match the season and things like that. Maybe the cost of the glass would be worth it if you’re looking for a design that can be easily updated to fit your preferences at any given time!

  • Connor Swanson
    March 6, 2017 3:23 pm

    I like that you have chosen a functional project. I have done the same. I am curious to see what methods you use in order to get the lazy susan to spin seamlessly. Also, where did your interest in Cholula and flowers come from? Great aesthetic choices, even though they are mostly unrelated.

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