Top 5 Constraints – Ski Chair

Every project comes with its own set of constraints. To make my final project idea become a reality, the constraints need to be outlined. The top five constraints for my ski chair project are outlined below:


Primarily, the aesthetic is the focus of this project. I want my ski chair to have a ski town feel. Hopefully this will be accomplished by the use of skis as the main building pieces.


The size of the chair is a limiting factor for the project. I would love to be able to make a bench, suitable for 2-3 people. The reality of the situation is that I will only be using old skis that my family has acquired over the years, so the size may be limited.

Building Materials:

I want to make the chair mostly out of skis, but there will be a frame of either wood or metal to give form to the chair. The material chosen to build the chair, not only plays a major role in the chair aesthetics, it also will completely change the design of each individual part.


Time is the most obvious constraint that exists in nearly every project. This chair will need to be done before the end of the semester so we are quickly running out of time!


I am taking an upcycle type mindset into this project with the recycling of the old skis to save as much money as possible, but I did get an okay from my parents to spend a little money on materials because the end home of this project is by the fire pit at my parents house in Winter Park, Colorado.

3 Comments. Leave new

  • Its nice that you’re finding a use for the old skis your family has. I’ve always wanted to build a chair but haven’t had enough skis lying around. I’d suggest incorporating a cup holder into your design by making a hole on the ends of one of the arms.

  • I like that you are building this chair out of materials you already own. It will save quite a bit on the expenses for the project. For the aesthetic, a possibility is to make it look like a ski lift chair though it might be tough to do for an indoor piece of furniture. Another idea is to apply wood varnish to the skis to give them a rustic, aged appearance.

  • Olivia Watkins
    March 8, 2017 7:36 pm

    I think its great that your continuing to upcycle this semester! I look forward to seeing how you mix the upcylce aesthetic with the winter aesthetic

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