Design Review: Tie/Belt Rack

For my tie and belt rack, I’ve chosen to use mostly wood in order to adhere to my Organic aesthetic. The spin wheel will be made from a section of an actual tree.


I cut a section from a tree near my house and it is around 9 or 10 inches in diameter. This piece should be perfect for my project.

I am still trying to determine what design would be best for incorporating the rotational aspect of the project. My first option would be to use a simple mounted bearing and screw that into the wood that will serve as the wall attachment. See the image below:

My second option would be to use a small turntable. This design, which may add stability, would involve screwing the turntable into both the wooden attachment piece as well as the tree section itself. With this design, some of the metal turntable may be visible which could take away from the organic aesthetic of my project.

I still might experiment with the shapes of the main wood pieces in order to expand the aesthetic of my project. The current shapes are simple and direct, which do no match my organic theme.



(Mcmaster Carr 2017.

(Mcmaster Carr 2017. (Mcmaster Carr 2017.

8 Comments. Leave new

  • Branden Goldenberg
    March 20, 2017 11:57 am

    I have never thought of needing a tie rack, but I could see the benefits of having such a device. The rotational dynamics shouldn’t cause you too much troubles, just will need to be careful with covering any bearings that you end up with so they don’t catch your ties as well as keep your aesthetic clean.

  • The organic aesthetic will look great for this piece. I guess one concern is that you dont want it to degrade or fall apart over time. Also I think the turntable will be great way to incorporate your dynamic aspect.

  • Seems like something very useful to have. I think organic is a good aesthetic to choose. I’m sure you will need a lot of skill to create the dynamic aspect of this project. What is your final plan for making the wood joints, and allowing everything to rotate smoothly like you want it to?

  • Oksana Schuppan
    March 17, 2017 12:28 pm

    I think it’s great you have chosen this project, because it is something you can use far into the future. I wonder if someday you might even add additional levels when you accumulate more ties. I was particularly impressed by the consideration that went into the rotation of this design and your prototype. Way to think creatively and to explore multiple options!

  • Cool idea, very handy to have. The turntable is a good idea to allow the rack to rotate easily. Are you going to be able to build the spin wheel, hangers, and mount with one section of the tree? Also, what is your plan for the wall mount? Overall, good presentation.

  • I like this idea, I could use one! I think using the turntable is a much better idea than a pillow block bearing-its much more low-profile and wont interfere with the aesthetic as much.

  • Benjamin Fried
    March 15, 2017 9:04 pm

    Really like the tree idea. This will really give it the “organic” aesthetic you are going for! You should play around with that wood and see if you can drill into easily, or if it will crack and crumble. Maybe there is some kind of sealant you can apply to the tree before you assemble it.

    Also, if you decide to drill holes anywhere, keep in mind you are able to “fill” them in using wood filler putty ( Hopefully that will help you stick with the natural aesthetic and hide ugly bolt holes.

  • Very interesting idea! The prototypes to ensure the dynamics work are well thought out. The organic aesthetic is very cool. Nice job!

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