Project Aesthetics Compared to 20th C. Movements: Rotary Candle

For my main project, I would like to make a Rotary Candle Holder. I was inspired by one of my Aunt’s holiday decorations when I visited her last Christmas. She had a little tea light candle under a fan, which spun when the hot air off the candle rose past the fan’s blades. Physically, it is due to the change in density of the heated air from the fire of the candle. I based the sketches off one that is being sold on Amazon, but the original distributor is Pluto Produktor (A Scandinavian company). I had never seen anything like it before.

However, I want to make my product as unique as possible. And I would like to gift it to my mom at the end of the semester. Thus, I decided I will make my tea light candle skating-themed somehow. My mom is a figure skater, figure skating coach, and currently works at U.S. Figure Skating so I think she would love the aesthetic. I am currently thinking about using a figure skater silhouette as the main piece above the fan to spin around when the candle is lit. Honestly, that in itself does not fall in any of the 20th Century design movements. It most closely resembles Art Nouveau since it heavily inspired by nature, but also a little post-modern since it will have the silhouette of a figure skater in top. My Current Design is shown here:

Three other designs with the same functional aspects are listed below:

  1. Wilderness Rotary Candle Holder

This design takes the modern/Art Nouveau style to the extreme. It is a wilderness-inspired rotary candle holder that belongs in a log cabin in the North Woods of Wisconsin. It is made of wood and features multiple animal silhouettes found in the United States. The base has bear and deer prints carved into it.

2. Art Deco Rotary Candle Holder

This design features many aspects of the Art Deco design movement. The top piece is purely inspired by the Empire State Building, then the holder has the repeated leafy design that is famous as Art Deco. This candle holder would be made of metal and coated in black and gold trim.

3. Minimalist Rotary Candle Holder

This design is obviously a minimalist design. It is purely functional (even though these don’t really function as anything other than a candle holder). This design would be made of aluminum or some other silver or gray metal.



2 Comments. Leave new

  • Kyle Aulwurm
    April 2, 2017 3:17 pm

    Really like your sketches, they are very well done. It sounds like you have a really solid aesthetic set for your main project as well. Incorporating some sort of design at the base like in your first two sketches will really bring your whole project to a new level so I hope you do that!

  • Jeremy Parsons
    March 29, 2017 11:02 am

    Alex, I am not familiar with your project yet but this is an interesting design that you could potentially take in a multitude of directions. I would encourage you to really branch out try something unique that aligns with the aesthetics your mom enjoys!
    Note: you may be able to laser cut or water jet the 2D elements present in some of your designs to save some time and create clean figures.

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Project Aesthetics Compared to the 20th Century design movements