Project Aesthetics Compared to the 20th Century design movements

For my project, I decided to use the engine valve cover as the body, going for an Industrially Chic Automotive aesthetic.

I explored 3 different aesthetics: the art deco, art nouveau, and minimalism:

Art Deco
The art deco theme would be my first alternative choice. The clean, sharp lines would compliment the body of the engine valve cover very well. In the sketch below, I got inspiration from the movie cover of The Great Gatsby (2013).

Art Nouveau
Art nouveau would be my next alternative choice. Making this project with an art nouveau aesthetic will look good, but my artistic ability would limit what I can do with this.

Minimalism has always appealed to me. Although it would be cool to use this aesthetic, it would not be practical with the direction that I already started to take.

Industrially Chic Automotive
Industrially chic automotive is the aesthetic I decided to use from the beginning. This is because since I wanted to keep the upcycling theme, the aesthetic is built-in into the part, and it would be confusing to try to incorporate another aesthetic into this design.


2 Comments. Leave new

  • Hunter Miller
    May 10, 2017 11:31 pm

    Very very nice drawings. I think it looks like a template of the shape and you drew over it? I think it looks very good and any one of those would make a great project

  • Alexander Thompson
    April 3, 2017 10:39 pm

    Great sketches to explore three other design aesthetics different than your intended aesthetic of Industrial Chic Automotive (and love the name, by the way). I would imagine the Art Deco aesthetic could fit your project well as well, especially if you incorporated some gold in the linear design. But I like your intended aesthetic best, as it matches your goal of expanding upon the upcycling idea.

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