Construction Timeline: Smart Mirror Project

I have made decent progress on this project so far. All materials are purchased except for the lumber which will just require a quick trip to Home Depot. The final product is just three steps away:

Step 1: Frame (April 16)

Pieces of wood need to be cut according to the drawings produced from the SolidWorks model. They will then be glued together and stained.

Step 2: Integration (April 17)

Once the frame is completed the monitor and two way mirror will need to be fitted inside the frame and secured.

Step 3: Software (April 21)

After the hardware is complete, the Magic Mirror software will need to be installed on the Raspberry Pi and configured.

Since the final product and presentation are due at the end of April I am planning to have the mirror finished by April 21st. This timeline will give me an extra week to work out any unexpected issues and create a good presentation.

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Scott Lowenstein
    April 18, 2017 6:31 pm

    It looks like you have a good grasp of the build schedule, and what you need to do to finish this project. It will be interesting to see how the programming portion comes out. Wishing you the best, and I am excited to see how it comes out!

  • I’m glad you have some wiggle room considering you still have to deal with the software. I don’t think I’ve seen that kind of wiggle room on anyone else’s project, so good work there. I think people would be more successful if they planned similarly. You have only one day for the frame though (if I’m reading correctly)—what do you think the odds are that you will need to rework the stain or glue to achieve your aesthetic desires? If you hit all your existing targets, are there any additional “stretch goals” that you have been thinking about for post-launch modifications? Apps, engravings, IOT connections (smart-home stuff)…?

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