Construction Timeline: Bamboo Fly Rod

Things are looking good for my construction timeline overall. During spring break I fleshed out the rod design I was targeting relative to materials I could source. I have ordered all the materials for the rod and the only piece in interim is the reel. I would like to source another reel that is black or brown, to match the natural aesthetic, but I have to track down one that appeals to me, that also is not junk. This is a secondary concern because I can use the one of the reels I already own in the meantime.

For the rod itself, I ordered a 2-piece, 7.5 -weight bamboo blank. I also have ordered a 6″ cork handle, an agate stripping guide, chrome-plated line guides, and an aluminum reel seat with an exotic wood insert to support the reel.

A few examples of these components are shown below:

The items I need to get started should be shipping this week, which should allow me to get fabrication started next week. This way I can start working on the more time-consuming Parts of the fabrication work while the remaining components are shipping.

If final presentation to our pods begin on April 24th, that is about 2 weeks to do the fabrication work once components start arriving. Assuming reliable delivery times, this should allow plenty of time to build the components and any learning opportunities that lie in hiding.  All in all, I am excited to start the build process!

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Maxfield Scrimgeour
    April 5, 2017 1:32 pm

    This project looks like it is coming along well! It is good to see that all of the materials have been sourced and are on their way so that they can be completed on time. When do you anticipate finishing this project and how long do you think it will take you in order to finish the final project? Im getting excited to see this in person.

  • Tori Herfert
    April 5, 2017 12:23 pm

    I am excited to see how this turns out in the end. I like the cork thing you are using for the reel. I also like the way the bamboo turned out that you bought. Good job on planning ahead and doing some of the work over Spring Break. That way you will have plenty of time to go back and fix anything you do not like! Great work.

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