Construction Timeline: Katherine Yarnell

This is the rough timeline I anticipate. I assumed that I would only be able to dedicate ~3 hours a day to working on this project, so it can be seen that each day is also considered ~3hrs of work. The first thing that needs to be finished is the CAD, as expected it has taken a lot longer than originally anticipated. While that it being finished, I will purchase all the necessary materials I might need. Then, I need to do rough cuts on the wood, this includes all machining that can be done in a wood shop. Next, once all the major cuts are done, I need to use the laser cutter and get all the small pieces cut along with the cutout for the inlay. Finally, that last thing I need to do is assemble all the parts. As a safety, I tripled my expected time.  So the total time ended up to be roughly 40 hours of work left.

An unknown known is that there won’t be a delay when I need to use the laser cutter, even though a lot of project classes will be using it.