Top Five Constraints

For my project, I have a very clear picture of what I want it to look like and function like. I plan to pursue the vision I have and perfect it down to the inch. However, I know that will be difficult. My top five constraints are:

  1. Tool usage: I don’t know exactly how I will cut the PVC pipes yet. I know I could do it with a hacksaw, or I could go in to the machine shop to do it. Doing it in the machine shop would require me to carry materials around, and would mean I could only work during their hours.
  2. Painting space: I don’t know where I plan to paint it. Obviously I can’t do it in my house, so I will have to find another place.
  3. Durability: I need to be careful when constructing this, to make sure that it will stay together and not come apart when picked up.
  4. Weight: I don’t know how much the final product will weigh, but I need to make sure it will be able to move.
  5. Functionality: I have never built a dummy roping calf before. I have never really even used one. I just have to wing it a little on what I will make it look like and work like.

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Ryan Forsyth
    April 24, 2017 9:50 pm

    How did the constraints end up affecting you? If you still have any cuts to make, there is a miter saw and a table saw in the Idea Forge Makerspace that I have cut PVC with several times before. The staff is really helpful and it is open to almost any type of project. If it is PVC, it shouldn’t have ended up being too heavy, did it?

  • Jimmy Speedy
    April 24, 2017 3:16 pm

    Looks like you’ve really narrowed down your project! I feel as though you’ve already thought of this, but the ITLL is a nice place to narrow all these constraints down due to the fact that you could probably do most of your project there. As stated, you would have to work during ITLL hours, and get all the materials down there, but once you do you even have the project depot to leave your project over night so you wouldn’t have to carry it all the way home.

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