Final Stretch: Smart Mirror

I am nearing completion on my project right about now. I have configured Magic Mirror to run on a raspberry pi and have already de-bezeled a monitor to use for this project. This weekend I am planning to create the frame out of wood which should only take a few hours. With the frame complete I just need to spend about an hour putting it all together. Once together I can continue to configure the Magic Mirror settings to make it look and function exactly the way I desire. I am leaving myself about two weeks of wiggle room just in case I run into any challenges along the way. If all goes to plan I am hoping to add more to the software to include features like YouTube or even Netflix into the mirror. I’m not sure how difficult these will be to add but I have two weeks to figure it out so hopefully everything wraps up smoothly.

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  • Scott Lowenstein
    April 14, 2017 12:37 pm

    It sounds like this project is coming along well! I think that the rustic wood aesthetic will play well against the futuristic appeal of the smart mirror. I am excited to see how the final version comes out, and keep up the great work!

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