For the final stretch, I still have a fare amount of work left to do. I have all the CAD designs done and the wood picked out. Some of the pieces have been cut, but I still have more cutting that needs to be done. I also still have laser cutting that I would like to do if I have enough time. I main concern is not having enough time to get the quality I want. With school getting close to be over there are a lot of other projects I have to work on, so hopefully I will be able to spend enough time on this project to get the results I want.

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Alexander Thompson
    April 16, 2017 6:40 pm

    Your project, the necklace pendant from the movie ‘The Illusionist,’ is very cool! I hope you have enough time to make it as high quality as possible. However, I know it’s crunch time for all of our classes, plus senior design and freshman projects are winding down so the equipment will be tough to use. Hopefully you will be able to spend enough time on this project to get the results you’ve wanted from the beginning.

  • This looks like a great project. I remember thinking it was cool back when I saw the movie. I agree with your concern that you’ll need to worry about having enough time to get to the quality you’re aiming for, especially with limited shop time available towards the end of the semester. If you run out of time, could you go for the minimal viable product, then refine it later on when you have more time?

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