Final Stretch Progress

Right now I am on the second iteration of the backpack, but the first iteration that is fully functioning. I really like how this version turned out, but need to change how the straps attach to the bottom of the backpack and possibly the make it a little longer. Here are some photos of it.


2 Comments. Leave new

  • Luke Woolley
    April 17, 2017 9:29 am

    Looking good. Do you feel you’ve hit the major aesthetic goals you had early on, or that they’ve changed a lot to maintain functionality? It seems your post is lacking a lot of detail… how are you changing the straps? What will be the side-effects of making the bag longer? Is that really all that you have left to do?

  • Blake Arellano
    April 16, 2017 1:04 pm

    Wow man, that is some good craftsmanship! Do you feel that you are displaying your aesthetic like you want? And/or do you plan on making any changes to the aesthetic for the final iteration?

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Final Stretch: Boat Tank Aesthetic