Final Stretch: Wine Coffee Table

I have purchased almost all of the materials I will need to finish my wine inspired coffee table. I purchased a very nice, light colored coffee table from goodwill for only $20. The table was measured and then disassembled into pieces for further fabrication. I am currently in the process of converting two wine boxes into one larger drawer that will hold twelve bottles of wine. I purchased the wine boxes from hazels and they will give my table an excellent vineyard feel. Tomorrow I will be cutting the frame to allow space for the drawer and will hopefully have that functional within the next few days. More to come!

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Tori Herfert
    April 18, 2017 2:23 pm

    It sounds like you have a good handle on your project and you will be able to finish with plenty of time! I am excited to see how it turns out looking with the wine bottles, I think it will look super cool. Can’t wait!

  • Kyle Aulwurm
    April 18, 2017 9:51 am

    Interested to see how it turns out! Using wine boxes for drawers is a fantastic idea that I think will turn out really well. Cool to see how you’re keeping the cost down.

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