Main Project Report 2017 Part 1: Lazy Susan (Tori Herfert)


Overall Description

My final project turned out just the way I wanted it to. I ended up not going with the original plans I had to paint flowers on to it, because I made it like this on my first attempt and regretted it after.  The flowers I had in mind were Hawaiian style and I had them painted a bunch of different colors to hopefully stand out on the lazy susan, however my attempt at this looked horrible so I scrapped it. I also had to build this project twice, because the first attempt I made, I cut out the certain shape I wanted it to be, and it just didn’t work. I tried to sand down the wood so it would be smooth, but there was no hope.  When I went to stain the wood everything dried unevenly and the whole thing just looked awful.  With a minimal amount of time left, I decided to scrap this wood and buy some pre-carved wood from Michael’s and Home Depot. The wood on my final design is the pre-carved wood.

First Flower Attempt Sketch

I am happy I did this because the final product was very modern and clean looking, which will look perfect in my house.  The stain came out just the color I wanted it to and the texture was also great.  I really like the way the bucket came out as well.  The wood is attached to a turn table, making it the perfect “lazy susan” for a midsized table and a mid sized family… Depends how many sauces and spices you like to use.

Final Product
Final Product
Final Product


Side View of Final product

Fabrication Description

  1. Carve out design
  2. Sand down the wood for smoothness
  3. Stain the wood:the stain must be put on very evenly (two coats)
  4. Attach bucket with glue…must use a strong super glue
  5. Attach the wood to the turn table
  6. Decorate wood
  7. Add a coating of gloss finish
  8. Add sauces and spices

Cost Vs. Budget

My original budget was $50.00.  I accidentally spent a bit over the budget, because I had to cut the wood and messed up, so then I had to buy precut wood since I ran out of time.

  • Wood: $5.00
  • Pre-Made Wood: $10.00
  • Wood Stainer: $15.00
  • Bucket: $2.00
  • Spice Rotator: $10.00
  • Brushes: $5.00
  • Paint: $10.00

Total: $57.00

Wood Stain
Super Glue
Brushes used for Stain


Total Time

Between coming up with an idea, researching possibilities on how to build it, and making it twice, this project probably took me about 12 hours.  This was a bit more time than I thought it would take, but I was knew to all the different ways of building and staining.


  • All of the students in Pod A
  • Home Depot
  • Target
  • Michael’s


1 Comment. Leave new

  • Alexander Lien
    May 2, 2017 12:24 pm

    This project definitely achieves a very clean and modern look while maintaining a very nice natural feel. I think the wood stain also helps this piece fell like a classic piece of furniture. I would have really liked to see your first attempt and the painted Hawaiian flowers, that could have been really neat! I couldn’t really tell from the pictures but it also looks like you did a good job hiding the superglue that you used on the bucket.

    I would have liked to see this thing in action. Maybe a video with it spinning and some sauces and spices on it too. That could be cool.

    All in all, your project came out great. It looks like it was professionally done and like it could be sold in stores. Nice work.

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