Final Presentation: Zoetrope

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  • Ryan Daniel
    May 1, 2017 12:28 pm

    I’ve never heard of a Zoetrope before you started your project but seeing your inspirations were really cool. Your final product turned out to be super interesting and entertaining. I like that you really focused on the aesthetics and have a strong art deco theme on the outside. Using a skateboard bearing really helped make the circular motion smooth which creates a professorial feel to your artifact.

  • Zoetropes are always cool, nice work on the baring action. I like your Art Deco styling, too, but I feel that it detracts from being able to actually see the animation. Artwork on the same level of the internal frames confuses and distracts the eye when it’s trying to focus on what’s going on inside the device. I would recommend completely removing the Art Deco details surrounding the slits and instead focusing this aesthetic on other components like the bottom portion of the tube, a larger base, or even the inside of the tube—but you really don’t want distractions from the animation so the area between the slits should probably be simple and empty.

    • Ridhvik Gopal
      April 29, 2017 8:24 am

      Thank you for the comment! I appreciate your input. The detailing around the slits were not by accident but a conscious choice. I wanted my project to have two functions, the first, to behave like painted pottery sitting in a display shelf when not being used, I feel the slits are ugly and I took care of it by pulling elements off of Art Deco buildings, particularly the way windows are decorated. Secondly, I wanted the design the project in such a way that it would only function as a zoetrope when one would engage it closely, hence the smaller base and muted elements. That problem of distraction due to the slits can easily be solved by moving closer to it.
      Maybe the next one I make will have a more zoetrope oriented focus, perhaps with better engineered slits for optimal viewing?

  • Gautham Govindarajan
    April 28, 2017 12:28 pm

    Your final zoetrope has turned out awesome. I love animations. The animation is seamless and great. The art deco aesthetic gives a nice outlook. I know you had a lot of setbacks during your design process. Great Job in the end!

  • Alexandra Rivas
    April 28, 2017 12:24 pm

    First of all I LOVE THIS IDEA. super cool.
    This seems like it would be easy to execute but Im wrong! your presentation really expressed how much work and time this took! I really like the art deco aesthetic. I would have liked to see unique animation frames- don’t most zoetropes show the horse? It would have been really cool to create something else as the subject. I think this was very successful.

    • Ridhvik Gopal
      April 29, 2017 9:12 pm

      Thank you very much! You are absolutely right, I too feel that the horse as a subject is an idea that is saturated in animation devices. The next step would be to make little pouches so that I can change the frames as I need.

  • Emma Hammerton
    April 28, 2017 12:22 pm

    I like that you chose a 20th century design aesthetic and stuck with it. Art Deco is very modern-looking and adds a touch of chic to anything it is applied to. What prompted your choice to use sharpie for the external design features? Might it add to the playful nature of your project? The interior silhouettes of the horse are quite remarkable — they look really professional. I think that overall your designs seem really well thought-out and personal (since you created all of your designs and had to apply techniques that you never had before). It could probably use a little bit of clean up with some fraying of the tube material if possible. Spinning the Zoetrope is effortless and it’s clear that your project does not tilt when spun, which is great. Nice work!

  • Cyron Completo
    April 28, 2017 12:22 pm

    Great craft work! The animations within the zoetrope are smooth regardless of speed and are a pleasure to look at. The exterior construction is great as well: the Art Deco aesthetic is a fitting addition to this project.

  • Siddharth Nigam
    April 28, 2017 12:19 pm

    Great way to channel your love for anime into an animated project! Love the Art Deco aesthetic. The animation is really neat and your sketches are really precise. Great idea using the skateboard bearing to get a smooth motion. Awesome project.

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