Main Project Presentation: iTunes Hologram


Below is an informal presentation shared with a pod of nine individuals also participating in this assignment and course.



Below is a short demo of the dynamic component of my design recorded at the 2017 Mechanical Engineering Exposition.

9 Comments. Leave new

  • Katie Gresh
    May 10, 2017 9:29 pm

    Wow! Very amazing project. It was great to see the progress of this project and your others throughout the semester. This project is very cool and I like how it combines more of a technological aspect to it. It is not only great construction and well done, I like the aesthetic and colors you chose to highlight the iTunes theme. The first project was great too, yet I think this project stole the show at the Expo. Nice job!

  • Benjamin Fried
    May 6, 2017 6:49 pm

    I’m a huge fan of this. What a cool project. The Pharrel song fits perfectly, but you should also try to do a Tupac or Biggie song. Have you thought about any other uses for this, or any way to keep this displayed in your house?

  • Colton Behr
    May 4, 2017 3:49 pm

    The final result of this project was without a doubt one of the best outcomes. I am very interested in things like this, where you take technical, digital code and turn it in to a super fun product. I think the future of entertainment is things like this, creating new ways to look and interact with media.

  • Connor Swanson
    May 4, 2017 1:01 pm

    Definitely one of the cooler projects that I saw. I had heard about stuff like this before but had never seen it in action. You did a great job. I wonder how large you could make these and if there’s a good way to get around using giant clear pieces.

  • I absolutely loved this project. Simple in design yet probably the most exciting in function. Do you think you can make a truly 3D projection using this method or would a different approach be necessary? Also, would drastically increasing the scale reduce the quality of the image?

  • Branden Goldenberg
    May 3, 2017 5:26 pm

    This was one of my favorites for sure. Very well done. So simple, yet so cool at the same time! I wonder if you could take it a step further and create more complex shapes and figures? You know, like star wars hologram messages and whatnot… I’m not sure what the resolution is on the images but it sure would be sweeeeet!

  • Scott Lowenstein
    May 3, 2017 12:37 pm

    What a cool project! The hologram effect worked out very well, and the video looked great. As you pointed out, it would be so cool to recreate the video to represent the 4 unique viewing angles. Maybe you could even make a new set of plastic screens to make a really large hologram. It was interesting hearing about your background and inspiration for the project, and then to see how it came out. Great job!

  • […] Main Project Presentation: iTunes Hologram […]

  • Jon Nelson
    May 1, 2017 8:07 pm

    This project was so cool. The colors of the dancers and the minimalist design of the hologram projector all scream Apple and the iPod. It is an awesome futuristic aesthetic that Steve Jobs would have loved. Maybe you might want to create more music videos in the future. You should go for a Tupac hologram next. Great job.

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