Main Project Report Part 2: Rustic Ski Table

The Future of the Ski Table

by: Branden Goldenberg

Now that the semester is over and I have a little more time to put into this product, I will apply a few more layers of the stain and maybe even a clear coat to insure longevity of its dark color. It would be a shame to see the colors fade to a brighter tone in the wood. The skis color won’t change much over time because they are protected with numerous different materials.

I am torn with what will be done with my ski table. A part of me wants to keep it for myself, due to the fact that it is the first piece of furniture that I have ever built and I am very proud of its outcome! The other part of me wants to give it to some friends as a house warming gift. They just purchased a home in the mountains, and this table would perfectly fit the aesthetic of their new home!

The future of the ski table is really more of a start of more ski projects in my garage. I was unsure of the processes and tools that it would take to work with materials that were not designed to be build with. Using the skis was not the easiest task, but now that some practice has been had in measuring and cutting odd shapes and inconsistent materials, I feel more confident in my abilities to make the original idea of a chair!