Upcycle Process: Safety glove for cutting in kitchen

I started brainstorming with thinking what I need first and think about if it is doable by upcycle. And, here is the flow chart.

I love to cook so I cut a lot of vegetables. While cutting vegetables, such as garlic or pepper, I always hated the smell and the spiciness stuck on my fingers. It is really painful when I need to change my contact lenses. Therefore, I bought plastic gloves to prevent that. However, I feel bad wasting plastic gloves just cutting one garlic or pepper, wearing a glove middle of the cooking is something you won’t do much, and the plastic gloves sometime get cut with vegetable. So I will make cutting gloves in the kitchen which is washable.

The materials can be any form of plastic that shaped like the picture and a rubber(hopefully food grade) that holds food. My initial idea is that use flexible plastic, such as a plastic water bottle, to make the whole body part, but I couldn’t find good rubber material yet, maybe wide rubber band.

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