My First post was about my thinking process about this project. After thinking a lot. I decided to use some o the bottles I have as flower vases. This idea I found while searching for innovations for utilizing empty bottles. Also, I am planing to add some decorations to the bottles such as in the picture below.

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Hello Ibrahim I like your idea of repurposing glass bottles. The only problem I see is getting the soil in the bottles. However this can be accommodated by using a funnel to insert the soil into the bottle. Have you considered using different size bottles?
Ibrahim, I like the simple yet efficient aesthetic you have chosen, as repurposing items you use on a daily basis can be fun, gives your home it’s own ambiance and is overall good for the planet. Have you thought of repurposing other items such as glass containers or soda cans ?
Hello Ibrahim, I really like the idea you have presented for you upcycle project. Designing something that you can keep in your home and use on a daily basis is a really cool way to go about this project. Have you put any thought into the aesthetic you are going for in your design? You could laser cut some cool designs into the bottles and bolt them together to give them a contemporary or modern look. You could also scratch or chip the bottles and tie them together with leather or twine to give them an old western look. Overall, I think you have a great idea for your upcycle project and cant wait to see the final product