Aesthetic Game: Martial Arts Bicycle (Xavier, Tyler, Evan)

For this Aesthetic Game, our team ended up with the aesthetic of martial arts and a bicycle as the object. Together we came up with three separate designs as you can see below.

The design we have above is based primarily on the classic Kung Fu kick pose that is fairly well known and requires a decent amount of skill to pull off. As you can see, we decided to design a recumbent bike that incorporated the pose into the frame. Furthermore, the “handle” bars are meant to match not only the pose but also play a practical role on the bike. We also decided to incorporate the Tai-Chi/ Ying Yang symbol into the spokes of the wheel.
The design we have above is based on a generic bicycle, however, we incorporated bamboo as the primary material for the frame. Additional features that we added includes a nunchuck inspired bar on the rear part of the frame, a Tai-Chi/ Ying Yang spoked wheel, and handle bars shaped into a karate chop-like pose.
The design we have above is a based on a generic bicycle as well but the frame is a bit more unique because it is based on the design of a dragon. As you can see, there are scale designs throughout the top of the frame, a dragon head near the front of the bike, and flames coming out of the mouth. Additional features include a seat woven from black belts, nunchuck handle bars, wooden pedals, and once again special designs on the spokes of the wheels.