Summing Up 2019

Overall, I’ve had an amazing experience in this class and I learned a lot. Whether it’s the various styles of art that have existed throughout history or simple skills that are necessary for sketching, this class gave me a new perspective on design and allowed me to explore my own sense of art. While many…

Main Project Final Report Part 2: Shi-Shi Odoshi

Motivation The main reason I had for choosing to make a Shi-Shi Odoshi is because I enjoy the simplistic design as well the rhythmic sounds that it creates. I found it fascinating how something so simple can actually be extraordinarily difficult to properly construct. Also, I have a lot childhood memories with these intricate water…

Main Project Final Report Part 1: Shi-Shi Odoshi

What and Why? For my final project, I chose to make a miniature Shi-Shi Odoshi, which is a Japanese water fountain. Historically, it is used as a scarecrow in Japanese gardens to keep animals from destroying and eating the plants. My main motivation for choosing this was the fact that I have always been a…

Construction Timeline: Shi-Shi Odoshi

The construction of my water fountain will be pretty involved. I will need to buy a large acrylic box and cut it to the dimensions of my prototype and drill a hole for the water pump and a slot for the container support. Next, I will need to buy a PVC pipe and cut it…

Current vs 20th Century Design Movements

As seen in my previous posts, my final project will be a Shi-Shi Odoshi Japanese water fountain and the main aesthetic is metal. The idea here is to create a modern and sleek version of something traditional. Normally, Shi-Shi Odoshi fountains are made out of bamboo and have a very natural and simple look. However,…

Top 5 Constraints

First Constraint: SizeThe overall size of the project should be fairly small in my opinion. The classic, bamboo water fixture is often associated with a petite and compact size, therefore, in order to fix the aesthetic it should be the same. Second Constraint: Material/ ResourceAs I said in my previous post, I plan to use…

Main Project Inspirations

Coming up with an idea for the main project presented quite a challenge for my team. Due to the fact that there were so many options and possibilities out there, it was hard to narrow it down to something that was realistic yet interesting. A couple of preliminary ideas that we came up with was…

Skill Sets and Personal Aspirations

Similar to many of the other posts for tonight, many of my skills revolve around the Mechanical Engineering curriculum here at CU Boulder. As a senior, I have many diverse skills ranging from classes like Thermodynamics and Fluids to specific things like CAD and manufacturing. Despite having experience in these areas, I find that I…

Upcycling Final Report: Aluminum Can Flower

Inspiration: Much of the inspiration of this project arose from the large amounts of aluminum can projects that are out there. A simple google search on the aluminum can art provided many sources of ideas and inspiration. People have made cars, animals, flowers, furniture, and many more from simply using aluminum cans. For this specific…

Upcycling Inspiration: Aluminum Cans

One of the first elements of the project that I considered during the design process was material. It is an up-cycle project after all and the main idea here is to create art out of recycle or old materials. For this reason, one of my first instincts was to think about aluminum cans because they…

Upcycle Progress/ Design Process

The design process that I took for this project so far is pretty standard. As you can see in the image of my flowchart below, I began by looking at the upcycle project that was assigned. I then began brainstorming ideas that involved what kind of materials I should use, what kind of function will…

Aesthetic Exploration: Minimalism

The aesthetic that I chose to explore is minimalism. Originating from the 1950s and prospering during the 1960’s and 1970’s, minimalism arose from the idea that art should not be limited to societal standards. Rather than being a luxury only affordable to the rich, minimalism demonstrates art in its purest form and is something that…