As I stated in my last post the key element to the inspiration of my design is the power line insulatior. I felt that the unique look and shape of these objects wouls open up many doors for the design of my upcycle project. In addition the up-cycle project made for a great oprotunity to re purpose these otherwise usless objects.
The idea to make a lamp out of one of these insulators came as a result of reading a book for class while in bed one evening. As the sun began to set I realized that my room did not have enough lighting especially for reading at night. Currently, in my room, there is a single wall sconce located a good distance away from my bed. This led me to the idea of making a desk lamp that I could keep on my bed side table. After doing some research I reized this could be done using the insulator as a housing for the bulb.
Since my last post, I have decided to use iron pipe as the body of my lamp and wood as the base. I decided to go in this direction due to the industrial aesthetic of the iron pipe, and the fact that I had access to some free iron pipe. I created a final design of the lamp based on the pieces of pipe I had at my disposal, a sketch of the design is included below. Additionally, I acquired the insulator from my grandparents’ house and drilled a clearance hole in the top for the wire.
Sketch of final design Insulator prior to drilling Insulator after driling
The next steps in my design will be to buy the remaining material I need and to assemble the lamp. This material includes thepiece of pipe angled at 45-degree and miscellaneous electrical components.
2 Comments. Leave new
This is super creative I would have personally never had thought of it. It seems like it will have a very industrial look to it. I also love the description you gave to describe how you came up with the idea, very descriptive! I’m not too sure wood as the base is the best idea though. I feel like it will look too different from the rest of the lamp and may take away the aesthetic that is being presented with the insulator and pipe.
This is a really great project. I would like to see the unit with a light bulb in it. I hope you find the electrical switch and light source without paying any money.