Skill Sets and Personal Aspirations

I am pretty sure that this post is for us to explain our skills so that our partners will understand what we can help them with during their project for the rest of the semester as well as to explain what we might need during our projects.


  • I have done a lot of SolidWorks during my college career.
  • 3D printing knowledge with multiple printers.
  • I am always available for brainstorming or design help. I am almost always enthusiastic.
  • I have done lots of 3D scanning if you need help with that.
  • I like to craft and make simple prototypes.
  • I know my way around the Idea Forge Maker Space.
  • I am very organized and detail oriented.
  • Probably more things that I am forgetting.

Personal Aspirations:

  • I want this project to look really cool.
  • I don’t know what I want it to be!
  • I had a really cool idea but I don’t think I can do it in the time we have left in the semester so I will probably do it on my own time.
  • I am super open to ideas because I am at a loss.

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  • Eleanor, I hope you get some aspirations for your final project. Maybe just take a walk around your favorite place and let your mind wander. Maybe a walk in the city or a walk in the woods, whatever strikes your mood. You seem to have a lot of experience in a bunch of areas, so I will keep you in mind if I get stuck on the technical side of things.

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Skill Sets and Personal Aspirations – Tyler
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