Skill Sets and Personal Aspirations

As a senior mechanical engineering student, I have skills typically related to engineering. These include skills such as Solidworks, Matlab, and manufacturing. However, I also possess strong engineering management skills that I intend to use in my professional career following graduation. I have always been a very organized person and pride myself on that, but my engineering education has also equipped me with a strong problem solving mindset. I hope to go into a consulting position, ideally in NYC, because I feel that this would put all of my skills to good use. Furthermore, I think it is something I would enjoy which is how I can gage my success. Being a female in engineering, specifically mechanical, can be difficult at times because it is such a male dominated field, but I am excited for the challenge.

I enjoy working on teams because sometimes I don’t have enough ideas and sometimes I have too many to put into one cohesive design. I intend to use my teammates, both for this upcoming final project and in my career, to create the best possible solutions that I can.

3 Comments. Leave new

  • Fatema Alhalal
    February 24, 2019 6:07 pm

    You told me about your engineering management minor and now I know why. I’m glad that I’m your teammate and I look forward to working with you.

  • Hello Danielle, I think it’s really interesting that you want to go into a career in consulting. Any reason you are so interested in New York City? I feel the same way about working in teams, and have always found working around others helps streamline my ideation process

  • Jared Campbell
    February 20, 2019 1:37 pm

    I agree that it is probably hard to be a female in a male dominated industry, but I am sure you will find success in it. Maybe you can look into exercises to generate more original and creative ideas!

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