Skill Sets & Personal Aspirations

Over the course of 4 years of college in the ME department and participating in some research programs, I have acquired many skill sets. I have moderate understanding of machining, welding and manufacturing processes. I have an analytical personality, which helped me sharpen my skills in data gathering, analysis and problem solving. As a mechanical engineer, I managed to acquire an associate license from solid Works, which proves my 3D CAD modeling skills. It also helped me gain the knowledge necessary to operate laser cutters and 3D printers. I also gained a basic understanding of circuit and a moderate knowledge in C++, MATLAB and python programming that helped me operate micro-controllers such as arduino and raspberry pi.

My aspiration is to improve my aesthetic and art skills and be able to integrate it into a product that would serve both its functionality and appearance. Throughout my project based courses, I became capable of producing a high functional products. However, these products were graded and tested on their performance neglecting its appearance. Thus, I have no artistic skills and the best way to be good at anything is to practice. So, I would like to get as much practice as I possibly can. Furthermore, one of my biggest aspiration is to improve my leadership and management skills. As an engineer, analytical skills are necessary, but to reach high success in the industry leadership and management skills are essential.

4 Comments. Leave new

  • Hey Aziz,
    I like how even though you have similar skill sets as the majority of the class due to our similar majors, you still find a way to stand out and acquire a skill in a specific area. Aesthetics is an essential element in our society today and in design so I’m excited to see what you do with it in the future.

  • Hey Aziz, being an engineer as well, we obviously share many common skills, but I am glad we are on a team together because I can help with graphic design if you ever need it. I am also glad to hear that you are familiar with welding, because this may come in handy for me in the future! Furthermore, if you want to learn some more about Rhino, I can help there.
    -Best of luck in the future

  • Hello Aziz, I would agree that most of the project-based courses in the mechanical engineering curriculum grade the final product on form and function and not aesthetic appearance. Do you have any intentions on working on your aesthetic abilities outside of this course? Do you hope to practice these aesthetic skills in industry?

  • Hey Abdulaziz, it seems like you have acquired a good amount of knowledge and skills during your time here at the university. I agree that aesthetics does not get covered nearly enough, so I really like that you aspire to build up that aspect of your capabilities! I wish you luck in your endeavors to get to a leadership role in industry, we need more good leaders! I can not wait to see what your skills will allow you to produce in the future.

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