Skill Sets & Personal Aspirations

I’m a senior studying mechanical engineering with a minor in business and entrepreneurship. Through my experience in the ME Department I’ve gained experience using 3D modeling programs, coding in MATLAB, and using Engineering Equation Solver (EES) for complicated homework problems. Overall improving my problem solving skills.

I’ve also gained experience using mills, lathes, and welding in the machine shop. Being in the business minor I’ve also gained experience with financial reports, business models, and product innovation.

Overall my goal is to gain my professional engineering (PE) license as well as my project management professional license (PMP). While focusing on work related to manufacturing, research development, or construction-related projects.

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Christopher Seighman
    February 22, 2019 1:46 pm

    I think having a business background is a huge advantage to many engineers, and not enough people take advantage of the opportunities to learn more. I minored in economics in my undergraduate program and am currently taking classes in the engineering management program that I find myself using almost daily, so definitely keep with it!

  • Hussam Alzahrani
    February 22, 2019 1:16 pm

    Hey Brandon,
    I agree with you, the ME department has exposed us to a lot of different skills through manufacturing and analytical methods of problem solving. I am minoring in engineering management (EMEN) and I feel like having that business prospective with your ME degree helps a lot especially from a management side.

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