Main Project Inspiration: Shadow Art

For my main project, I would like to create something that explores the contrast between light and shadow. I haven’t decided yet on what shapes or story I want my art to tell.

My inspiration came to me when I was trying to fall asleep in a dim candle lighted room. Instead of closing my eyes I was staring at the shadow cast by the candle flame and how it was changing in shape.

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  • […] Main Project Inspiration: Shadow Art […]

  • Hey Hadeel, this project looks super fun! I have always been a huge fan of shadow art. I actually did a presentation on it in high school. It is almost like having two pieces of art in one. I am really excited to see how yours comes out.

  • Hogan Auyeung
    March 11, 2019 2:38 am

    This project idea is very unique. The way that it is an art piece in an art piece is really awesome and I can’t wait to see it!

  • Hi Hadeel,
    I think your project idea is very original and unique. I really like how the idea just came to you when you were going to bed as well. I’m not sure if you are an engineering major, but this project is a great application of light diffraction and optics. In order to get the shapes and sizes that you desire that might something you will look into. Anyways, good luck with the project and I am excited to see the end result.

  • Hussam Alzahrani
    March 4, 2019 10:01 am

    That’s a super interesting project idea. I remember seeing this concept done at the CU Art Museum about a year ago. Do you plan on having the final product painted? Also, it would be really cool if you managed to have two different shadow silhouettes from different angles!

  • Ibrahim Alhajji
    March 3, 2019 3:30 pm

    Hi Hadeel,
    I like the idea of having shadow and light as your project theme. combining that idea with a functional product might be tricky. I excited to see your end result.

  • Abdulrahman Alnoaim
    March 3, 2019 3:12 pm

    Your project idea is very unique and interesting. Using the laser cutter might be a good idea for this project, since you can create any shadow shape you want along with lights.

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dark, shadow art
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