Top 5 Constraints

For my project, I will be creating a fiber optic digital clock where the fiber optics are meant to look like constellations that make the number. In terms of aesthetics, I am aiming for Italian futurism aesthetic. I chose this aesthetic due to its focus on technology as I fell this ties in well with my very technical project. Additionally, I am interested in exploring this aesthetic due to the large impact it had on many of the subsequent 20th-century design movements.

I have broken my constraints up into two categories, Aesthetics and functionality. These constraints, along with remarks are included below.


1.) Shape- Shape and form were very inmportant in Italian Futurism. This will be a main tool in comunicating the aesthetic. The shape of my clcock is not yet decided but it will consiste of strong lines and geometric shabes as shown in the examples below.

2.)Material– Like shape another key aspect of Futurism was the material used. New industrial materials at the time of the movment were typically used. Due to this I plan to make a metal such as aluminum or brass a key aspect of my project. I also plan to use epoxy as a means to secure the fiber opticel cable. While this was not a material used by futurists I belive it still communicates the aestheetic due to it’s industrial nature

Moving forward in the design process I plan to draw alot of insperation from architectual drawings, sculpture, and other physical objects that conform to the aesthetic. These are three of the pieces I have already drew a good deal of insperation from.


3)Visability– I expect a main pitfal of my design to be the brightness of the optical fiber, especially during day time. To compate this I plan to use shrink tube inorder to reduce light lost at the LED/optical fiber interface. Additionally I am playing with the ide of using some sort of light sade to ensure the ends of the optical fiber aare visible durirng the day.

4)Accuracy- The ultimate purpose of this project is to be a functional clock, so it needs to be able to accuratly keep time. The aurduino I plan to use has the cabaplity to keep time but i am not sure how accurate this is. I will need to test this finctionality once I get the aruduino. If it is not satisfactory I may need to incorperate a real time clock (RTC) integrated citcuit into the design,

5.)Number of Pins– A huge design challenge I am currently facing is designing the circuit to use less than the number of available output pins on the Arduino. Currently, my design requires 41 LEDs. This is far greater than the number of available output pins. Through the use of various electrical components or Charlieplexing the LEDs, the circuit can be designed to p0wer all LEDs with a few pins. I need to conduct more research into these methods so I can finalize the circuit design.



