Construction Timeline: Iron Punk

4/10 All materials and models gathered and completed. Including electronic components.

  • Ready for final construction of main armor portion
  • Ready for soldering and wiring of lights

(This image depicts some of the components and progress that I have made in testing the ability of EVA foam to finalize this armor design. Also included is the SparkFun board that I intend to use for the lighting control. A 3D printed helmet design has also been printed already and is getting ready for the color palette testing)

4/15 Primary armor portion and finalized aesthetic integration complete. Not including electronics or finished paint job and weathering.

4/20 Finished paint job and wiring

  • This includes weathering process with paint left to dry to a finish
  • Extra protective coats may need to be applied beyond this date
  • Wiring complete and organized within the enclosure

4/22 Power supply and protective coats completed for finalized project

1 Comment. Leave new

  • Joseph Coulombe
    April 12, 2019 10:08 am

    It looks like you are going to be quite busy with adding in all the wiring and paint needed for this project. I hope things go smoothly and you can integrate everything flawlessly.

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