Final Project Final Stretch: Infinity Mirror Clock

I have essentially finished all of the fabrication of my project over spring break. I had a lot of free time and access to the facilities on campus because it was not busy with senior design students. I cut the wood to shape and size, stained it, painted it, and laser engraved the numbers on.

I also built and programmed the circuit for the LED strip. This was very difficult because I used an Elegoo rather than an Arduino so uploading the code was tricky. I had to do some soldering to the push button rotary encoder and the LED strip.

All that remains is to glue the frame together after inserting the one-way mirror, fix the mirror into place, glue the circuit to the back, and drill the back panel on. I also need to drill a hole to feed the power cord through the back panel. I will be doing this all on Friday. I just received the proper power cord this week.