Fiber Optic Clock Final Stretch

Currently, I am slightly behind schedule in terms of construction of the clock.  I’m almost done with sorting the fiber optics by what number they correlate to. An image of the sorted fiber optics is included in the featured photo. This is by far the most time-consuming part of the construction process and is what has caused me to fall behind schedule. Once this is done all I need to do is join the fiber optics to LEDs using heat shrink, coat the front face of the clock with black epoxy and build the frame. The LEDs are housed in a sperate sheet of epoxy as shown below.

In order to save time, I have slightly redesigned the body of the clock. I still plan to use an aluminum sheet and painted wood, But no longer plan to build using the same geometry. The electronics will be housed in a wooden base that the aluminum cladded clock face will rest on top of. to help portray the futurist aesthetic I am aiming for I am playing with the idea of painting a futurist print on the base.  A very rough sketch of the new idea is included below.

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