Final Project Report 2: Geometric Wall Art


My final project ended up going down a different path than I had originally intended. When we were first assigned our final project I wanted to create some sort of art piece with moving parts. I wanted there to be motion on top of the aesthetic that I was displaying. Unfortunately, things did’t go as planned but I was still able to make the most out of the project.

I felt like I was still able to achieve the aesthetic that I was originally going for, just without all of the bells and whistles. Some of the main problems I had was scaling my project from my first prototype. There was a lot things that changed and went unaccounted for when I scaled up that hindered the moving parts of the project. It was definitely a learning experience to run into a lot of problems during the manufacturing and assembly process that I will benefit from in future projects. Furthermore, I learned a lot about my own creative process and gained many useful skills throughout the duration of this project.

I was very pleased with how it turned out in the end and it was a great addition to my room. It fits in really well with the other objects and decorations I have which was one of my goals at the start. Moving forward, I think I will revisit the moving part of the project in the future because I still think it would look really cool and be very engaging to its viewers.

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Knowing that you still have a number of great resources available to you on campus, what would you leverage in order to further develop this design? There was talk in the presentations of combining this with one of the other projects. How would you continue to “cook” your idea to add complexity now that the current design doesn’t move as you originally intended?

  • Luke Collier
    May 8, 2019 5:34 pm

    I really like how you made the project look like it is moving but while it is standing still. Really good backup plan. I feel you on not getting to implement all the bells and whistles. My project was a sound chair – that ended up emitting silence. So, I simply attached some LEDs in there to show that the chair reacts to your sitting. I also ended up focusing way more on the aesthetics than the functionality – Ha! – I thought it would be the other way around.

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