Upcycle Inspiration: Terrariums

My inspiration for the upcycle project started with the abundance of old wine bottles that I have sitting in my apartment (as a form of trashy decoration). This means that I took the material first approach. My ideas started with light fixtures and maybe making the wine bottles into something of a chandelier. I thought that this example pulled from printerest was pretty cool to look at:

Image result for wine bottle chandelier

Image courtesy of [1]

However, I don’t really have a need for this, nor do I have space for even a massively scaled down version of it. Therefore, I wanted to something that I would actually use and like to have in my apartment. This lead me back to the aesthetic explorations post that I made a little while ago. My post was about the aesthetic of indoor plants. Part of that aesthetic would be terrariums, which regularly use small bottles to house plants or even living ecosystems. Sometimes these terrariums take on the feeling of a ship in a bottle. Here are some small terrariums using corked bottles:

Image courtesy of [2]

Another genre of terrariums that I find interesting are moss terrariums. These take many forms, but one that I found really cool is this one with a hinged glass panel. I think that I’m going to try and use this as some inspiration:

Image courtesy of [3]

I’m still a little unsure of the exact direction that I’m thinking about going with this project, but I think that there are some really cool examples of people turning wasted items into living gardens. I’m going to try and just see where this project takes me!



[1] Image courtesy of Pinterest.com

[2] Image courtesy of James Harris on Instagram

[3] Image courtesy of TerraLiving on Instagram

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Terraria are often sealed glass containers filled with dirt and plants that can be opened for upkeep to provide access to the plants within. Nevertheless, they can also be left open to the surrounding air, a plant, or any kind of ornamental element you like. Water once a month or so. You should water it if the leaves or the soil are dry.
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  • George Faraco
    January 31, 2020 6:14 pm

    Max, that is a wonderful idea. I also took the materials first approach as well. The examples of terrariums are good, but do you have more of an idea of what you want to do? What types of plants do you want to grow? And what is the process for creating this terrarium? Ive never made one before so if you had done a little bit of research, please let me know the process of how to do this, or how you plan to do this. Also, are your wine bottle clear? I would think that a terrarium you want want to be as clear as possible. If you have any clear ones, definitely use them. Did you ever think about combining a couple bottles to make one big terrarium. That would be awesome too. Let me know what you end up doing.

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