Coffee Capsules Holder Ideas

After coming up with the project idea, I had several ideas and ways to execute it. So far, I have 3 different ideas that I sketched and still debating between them.

Idea #1: A small cabinet/box

For this idea, I thought about making a small cabinet with two drawers. The cabinet will probably be made out of acrylic and it will contain two different drawers that will store the capsules in. The top drawer will be made to store the capsules in a luxurious way while the bottom one will stack the capsules next to each other. In addition, at the top of the cabinet, I thought about adding outlines for the purpose of storing cups or mugs. The aesthetic of this cabinet will be luxury and/or simplicity.

Idea #2: Vertical capsules dispenser

For this idea, I was thinking about minimalism. I thought about making a table stand (or on the wall) that will simply stack the capsules in a vertical column and when you need one, you just press a mechanical button and the capsule will dispense. The shape of this idea is relatively simple, but it requires lots and lots of calculation and geometry. In addition, making perfect buttons is not very easy, so I am not very much leaning towards this idea.

Idea #3: Rotating table top capsules holder

For this idea, I was thinking about something that is aesthetically pleasing and functional. Therefore, I had the idea of making a rotating holder that holds the capsules in four different sides. I thought about making the four sides using clear red acrylic to match my coffee machine. With that being said, the interior will be empty and used for storing coffee related things or anything else. To make the whole thing rotate, I am thinking about using ball bearings to give that kind of motion. The way the capsules will be mounted is by using slots like the image below. The slots in the sketch do not look interesting so I am planning on changing the pattern. I am thinking about making two different patterns on opposite sides. Would appreciate any thoughts on this. Hopefully the final product should look something like the below image in principle but, of course, with more details and complications.



5 Comments. Leave new

  • Jamie Frankel
    April 15, 2020 9:36 pm

    This is awesome do you know if all of the coffee pods you drink are all the same size and did you count how many come in a pack and design so that your holder holds at least that many? Very cool!

  • Max Armstrong
    March 2, 2020 8:12 pm

    I think that this would be a really interesting place to try out some kind of out there aesthetics, like bright colors, or blinking lights. I kind of imagine that it would be interesting to make this into a mechanical setup, where taking one out starts a mechanism that moves the next one into place.

    • Abdulrahman Nashawi
      March 3, 2020 8:39 pm

      Thank you! I thought about adding lights but this would make the project much harder because I have limited experience with electronics plus I am thinking about taking this project overseas, so it is not a great idea to move wires around a lot. I will look into adding a mechanical setup if I was able to come up with an interesting idea.

  • Thomas Buckholtz
    March 1, 2020 10:45 pm

    This is a really great idea, I appreciate how many sketches you did! I was still a bit unclear of what aesthetic you favor most though. Then from there, you could think of some more ideas for designs to add to the slots. Were you planning to laser engrave them?

    • Abdulrahman Nashawi
      March 3, 2020 8:42 pm

      Thank you! I am more lenient toward doing the last idea I mentioned. I am trying to add a simple but luxurious pattern to make the project look more interesting. I am planning on laser cutting almost everything. I will be using multiple layers of acrylic to reach my desired design.

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