Main Project Aesthetics and Alternatives

As stated in my last post, I hope to make my project, two lighting fixtures and a clock, in the modernist aesthetic. The simple geometric forms and appealing earth tones make for great home décor in my opinion. Below are some examples of modernist décor that I appreciate, as well as sketches detailing how I may construct my project.

Two possible alternative aesthetics I’ve considered are minimalist and art deco.

The minimalist aesthetic, at least as far as décor goes, is focused on relatively simple forms that break traditional ideas of how objects should be shaped. I encountered several minimalist light fixtures that are essentially a long strip of light, either of wood or a flexible material, that are shaped into interesting forms. This is definitely something I would consider making for my main project. Inspirations and personal sketches are below.

The other aesthetic I’m considering is art deco. The majority of lighting fixtures built in the art deco style are either stained glass or chrome/aluminum. Because of personal and equipment limitations, metal would be the clear choice if I were to fabricate my project in this aesthetic. I found several desk lamps that were constructed with layers of aluminum, which is both appealing and achievable for me, so I’m heavily considering following this aesthetic.



1 Comment. Leave new

  • Thomas Buckholtz
    March 1, 2020 10:57 pm

    The lamp design ideas you have in mind look really great, do you plan on having the clock match? Or maybe you could incorporate two different aesthetics? I personally like the metal design you have in mind most, it seems like it would be a good way to learn some machining skills. I’m sure you could pull off some really cool designs with the CNCs, I recommend looking into getting permission to use them in the ITLL manufacturing center.

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