1 – Ability to woodwork
My first constraint is my ability to woodwork; or rather, my lack of ability. For this project, I am not just learning a new skill but attempting to master it – all in a couple months. I took the woodworking workshop at the Idea Forge, and using the tools seems simple enough. However, until I actually start building, I have no idea how tough this is going to be. Additionally, while cutting the pieces of wood may be fast and easy, I still have to attach them together cohesively, and incorporate a dynamic part (either the light bulb and/or a type of drawer).
2 – Time management
My second largest constraint is time management. I don’t have a blueprint, with steps and instructions on what sizes I need of everything. I don’t mean just the final product, I mean for screws, nails, glue, curing time, etc. I don’t know how many times I’m going to mess up, or if I’ll have the possibility of starting over, and going back to the drawing board. At what point am I at the point of no return?
3 – Aesthetic of wood
As long as I take the industrial route, the wood will naturally fit in to the aesthetic. However, if I go minimalist or futuristic, I will need to find a way to stain the wood to match what I’m looking for. Also, if I mess up on a shape, will I still be able to use it? I need to make sure it fits the aesthetic simply by changing the color, or size, or something “easy”
4 – Aesthetic of light bulb
Similar to wood, an exposed light bulb is it’s own aesthetic. I don’t know yet if I’m going to use a regular bulb, or use an LED strip, or what kind of hue I prefer. All of these have their own aesthetic, and I need to pay attention to what kind of light a certain bulb will add to my project. Below are several different types of bulbs I’m thinking about using.
5 – Materials/budget/transportation
Materials, budget, and transportation are not the main concerns, but they are still constraints that I have to deal with. I will aim to use as many Idea Forge & ITLL resources as possible, but most resources I have to buy. As far as materials being a constraint, I can get all my materials locally and easily. That being said, I still need to borrow a car to buy the materials, as well as store them somewhere in a one-bedroom apartment. I don’t have a school parking pass, so bringing my project with me to and from school is going to be very difficult.

2 Comments. Leave new
I love this sort of aesthetic! A few things off the top of my head:
– You can find a lot of cool looking lightbulbs online, and if you don’t like how they light, you can always gut the inside and use them as a “shell” and just stick little LEDs inside instead.
– Laser cutters are a good way to cut up thin pieces of wood without sacrificing the aesthetic, and to get cool, clean designs and cuts. And if you aren’t confident, start small with wood! Lots of different woods have different softness/hardness, so play around with a test piece first before cutting designs.
Hannah, I have a car and I also have to go to Home Depot/McGuckin’s to buy materials, so feel free to reach out to me on slack and I am happy to help you out! As for your time constraint, I highly recommend making a blueprint/timeline before you start. Keep in mind though that everything will probably take longer than you’d think.