Design/Build Video: Evolution Primitive Time

Evolution Primitive Time is a YouTube channel where two men build structures in the wild with their bare hands. They don’t use any automated tools or special gear. All they have is what the land has to offer and what they can build and create out of it with using only man power. The kinds of tools they use are sticks with blades on one end, bamboo, rocks, mud, pigments from the land to make paint, river stones, clay jars, and their hands. Their goal is to live in harmony with the deep jungle.

In this video they made a three story house out of mud, two bamboo slides coming from either side, and a swimming pool. This is only one out of many incredible videos. I find it amazing that what most people find tedious and repetitive, these two men embody and create structures that are beautiful and useful.

3 Comments. Leave new

  • Roberta Sanders
    April 28, 2021 8:43 am

    My Grandchildren and I enjoyed watching these videos together. The little ones are seven and eight. Your videos give them the much needed breaks they need from the virtual classroom we are forced to attend due to the Pandemic. Thank you so much for teaching them that life is best lived when you can partake from Mother Nature and enjoy every moment of it.

  • Davis Robertson
    April 19, 2020 3:38 pm

    Ive always loved these videos because It’s such a different type of design video. I like the simplicity and I also like that theres no music because thats very different but gives it a very authentic feel.

  • Noah Verspohl
    April 5, 2020 9:19 pm


    This video is so cool! I love how they can accomplish so much with only their bare hands.

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