Shipping container home, favorite design YouTube video

I love this video because it shows the design intent of this home and it is far more than just a functional home. It takes aspects of industrial aesthetic and upcycling, as it used re-used shipping container. This home connects you to nature, by the open spaces, the decks, and the natural lighting.

I hope you guys enjoy this video like I do:

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Daniel Straub
    April 3, 2020 11:03 am

    I would love to live here. Are there any videos of them building the home?

  • Nicole Leon-Molina
    April 3, 2020 10:16 am

    The home is absolutely stunning! I love that it’s in the woods and that it’s essentially one big upcycle project. I was hoping they were going to show how they made the structure but it’s cool to see the final product either way. Do you have any aspirations to make a DIY home like this for yourself in the future?

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